Vertis are a company that trade emissions units in Europe. Based in Budapest, they help companies comply with their EU Emissions Trading System requirements. Working with over 800 industrial clients and over 300 aircraft operators, they specialise in what they call ‘dirty businesses’. People who are emitting a lot of carbon but typically they are under the radar in terms of PR and communications around sustainability. Vertis 2050 is a brand new initiative aimed at getting ‘dirty businesses’ to pledge to reduce their carbon.

Vertis 2050 takes it nomenclature from The Paris Agreement. A definitive point in time when the world has pledged to keep the increase in global average temperature to well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels; and to limit the increase to 1.5 °C.
Vertis will help businesses audit their carbon footprint and question their commitment to change. Ultimately turning into an action plan and a pledge to reduce their carbon, or completely transition to a zero carbon company.
Using their very own ‘V Cycle’ model the team will run off-site strategy weekends, research industry breakthroughs and help implement action plans. It’s a pledge for your children that you actually did something to help this planet. A letter to the future.